Commands and Crafting Recipes

This page is subject to change as the plugin keeps on being worked on.

Commands can change lots of things or do lots of things, this plugins also do the same thing so here are those commands:

As of 4.0, permissions for commands with usually no permission can be changed through the config.yml if bePermissionBased is set to true for the command, so permissions on other server might be different. If the server you are playing on has LifeStolen and the heart/reviver recipe is different, you can use the /viewrecipes command.

/resethp - Resets everyones hearts back to what you have it set to in the config (Permission: lifestolen.resethealth) (Before Snapshot 2.0, the command was /resethealth)

/giveheart - Gives you a heart item. (Permission: lifestolen.giveheart)

/sethealth [player] [amount] - Sets the players health. (Permission: lifestolen.sethealth)

/addhealth [player] [amount] - Adds to the players health. (Permission: lifestolen.addhealth)

/removehealth [player] [amount] - Removes from the players health. (Permission: lifestolen.removehealth)

/reloadls - Reloads the config (Permission: lifestolen.reload)

/health - Shows how much health you have. (Default Permission: None)

/withdraw - Withdraws a heart. (Default Permission: None)

/lshelp [page] - Shows every command with the plugin (Default Permission: None)

/viewrecipes [heart/reviver] - Shows the plugin's crafting recipes. (Permission: None)

/vercheck - Shows the plugins current version. (Default Permission: None)

With commands, crafting recipes are also good for certain things. This plugin also has those:

Note: As of Snapshot 2.0, the crafting recipe for a Heart can now be changed with the config.yml so the crafting recipe can or will be different on servers

Heart from Snapshot 1.0-2.0

Heart recipe from Snapshot 2.0-Release 3.0

Default heart recipe as of Release 3.0

Reviver test recipe from Pre-Release 1.0

Reviver recipe from Pre-Release 2.0-Release 3.0

Default reviver recipe as of Release 3.0

Last updated