General Configs
disableVersionMessage - Indicates whether the version message should be enabled. (Default: false)
HP - Health settings:
startHP - When a player first joins a server, the health will be set to this. (Default: 20)
returnHP - When a player is unbanned, their health will reset to the set value (Default: 20)
maxHP - HP that when reached, the player will not gain anymore health (Default: 120)
death - Death settings
banOnDeath - If set true the player will be banned when they lose all their hearts, if set to false the player will be put in spectator instead. (Default: true)
teleportOnDeath - If set to true, the player will be teleported on death. If set to false, the player won't be teleported on death. Overrides banOnDeath (Default: false)
anyDeathRemovesHearts - If set false the player will only lose hearts if another player kills them. (Default: true)
fullDeathAnnouncement - The message that appears when player loses all their hearts (${player} = Player who died.) (Default: &4${player} ran out of hearts...)
clearItemsOnFullDeath - When a player dies and get banned, all the players items will be cleared. Only if banOnDeath is true. (Default: false)
dropHeartOnDeath- Heart Item drops when a player dies from a player if anyDeathRemovesHearts is false, or by anything if anyDeathRemovesHearts is true (Default: false)
runCommandOnDeath - If set to true, command(s) will run when a full death occurs. (Default: false)
Permission Configs
permissions - List of command permissions that you can change
bePermissionBased - Indicates whether a command should be permission based, or not. (Default: false)
permission - Indicates what permission the player needs to run the command. (Default: lifestolen.vercheck)
bePermissionBased - Indicates whether a command should be permission based, or not. (Default: false)
permission - Indicates what permission the player needs to run the command. (Default:
bePermissionBased - Indicates whether a command should be permission based, or not. (Default: false)
permission - Indicates what permission the player needs to run the command. (Default: lifestolen.withdraw)
bePermissionBased - Indicates whether a command should be permission based, or not. (Default: false)
permission - Indicates what permission the player needs to run the command. (Default: lifestolen.lshelp)
bePermissionBased - Indicates whether a command should be permission based, or not. (Default: false)
permission - Indicates what permission the player needs to run the command. (Default: lifestolen.viewrecipes)
bePermissionBased - Indicates whether a command should be permission based, or not. (Default: false)
permission - Indicates what permission the player needs to run the command. (Default: lifestolen.viewusage)
outdatedPermissionMessage - Permission needed to see when a version is outdated (Default: lifestolen.message.outdated)
permissionToDoEverything - The permission someone needs to run all permission based commands. (Default: lifestolen.*)
Item Configs
heart - Heart item
itemName - Item name. (Default: Heart)
itemLore - Item lore. (Default: This will give you one heart.)
isEnabled - Indicates if an item is enabled or disabled. (Default: true)
disabledMessage - Message that appears if this item is disabled (Default: &cThe heart item is disabled on this server.)
item - Item used for hearts (Default: REDSTONE)
haveLimitedUses - When this is enabled, you can use this item a certain amount of times before you can't use this item anymore. (Default: false)
uses - Uses that are allowed if haveLimitedUses is true. (Default: 5)
useCustomModelData - When this is enabled, you can make it so you can set a custom model for this item. (Default: false)
customModelDataID - This is where you put your custom model data ID to set the custom model for this item. (Default: 1)
reviver - Reviver item
itemName - Item name. (Default: Reviver)
itemLore - Item lore. (Default: This will revive someone.)
isEnabled - Indicates if an item is enabled or disabled. (Default: true)
disabledMessage - Message that appears if this item is disabled (Default: &cThe reviver item is disabled on this server.)
item - Item used for hearts (Default: BEACON)
haveLimitedUses - When this is enabled, you can use this item a certain amount of times before you can't use this item anymore. (Default: false)
uses - Uses that are allowed if haveLimitedUses is true. (Default: 5)
useCustomModelData - When this is enabled, you can make it so you can set a custom model for this item. (Default: false)
customModelDataID - This is where you put your custom model data ID to set the custom model for this item. (Default: 1)
Death Punishment Configs
banning - Category for banning a player on full death (if banOnDeath is enabled)
banTime - Ban duration in seconds. (Default: 86400)
permBan - Will override the ban time and permanently ban the player. (Default: false)
banReason - The ban message. (Default: &4You ran out of hearts.)
kickMessage - Kick message for when you get banned. (Default: &4You ran out of hearts...)
teleporting - Category for teleporting a player on full death (if teleportOnDeath is enabled).
xCord - X cord of location you want player to be teleported to (Default: 0.0)
yCord - Y cord of location you want player to be teleported to (Default: 0.0)
zCord - Z cord of location you want player to be teleported to (Default: 0.0)
gamemode - Gamemode you want the player to be in once being teleported, with 0 being Survival, 1 being Creative, 2 being Adventure and 3 being Spectator (Default: 3)
giveDefaultHP - If enabled, the player will be given the default HP once teleported. (Default: true)
commands - Category for running commands when a player gets a full death (if runCommandsOnDeath is enabled)
commandsToRun - The commands that will run on full death. Do not include the / at the beginning. (Default: ["say Hello.", "say World!"])
Crafting Configs
HeartRecipe - List of items that can be used to make a heart item in-game
Slot1 - First slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: REDSTONE_BLOCK)
Slot2 - Second slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: REDSTONE_BLOCK)
Slot3 - Third slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: REDSTONE_BLOCK)
Slot4 - Fourth slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: REDSTONE_BLOCK)
Slot5 - Fifth slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: GOLDEN_APPLE)
Slot6 - Sixth slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: REDSTONE_BLOCK)
Slot7 - Seventh slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: BONE_MEAL)
Slot8 - Eighth slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: REDSTONE_BLOCK)
Slot9 - Ninth slot in a crafting table to craft a heart item (Default: BONE_MEAL)
ReviverRecipe - List of items that can be used to make a reviver item in-game
Slot1 - First slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: DIAMOND_BLOCK)
Slot2 - Second slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: DIAMOND_BLOCK)
Slot3 - Third slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: DIAMOND_BLOCK)
Slot4 - Fourth slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: OBSIDIAN)
Slot5 - Fifth slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: TOTEM_OF_UNDYING)
Slot6 - Sixth slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: OBSIDIAN)
Slot7 - Seventh slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: OBSIDIAN)
Slot8 - Eighth slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: OBSIDIAN)
Slot9 - Ninth slot in a crafting table to craft a reviver item (Default: OBSIDIAN)
translations - All the translations
serverName - Name of your server, will be used in GUIs and messages. (Default: "LifeStolen")
deathMessages - Messages that appears when a player dies.
generic - The message that appears when a player dies from a generic reason. (Default: "${player} was slain by ${attacker}")
explosion - The message that appears when a player dies from a explosion. (Default: "${player} was exploded by ${attacker}")
shot - The message that appears when a player dies from someone shooting the player. (Default: "${player} was shot by ${attacker}")
errorMessages = The message that appears when a player encounters an error when running a command.
noPermission - The message that appears when a player doesn't have permission to use a command. (Default: "You don't have permission to use this command.")
offlinePlayer - The message that appears when an offline player is mentioned in a command. (Default: "Player wasn't found.")
Last updated